262 Pounds Of Marijuana Falls From The San Diego Sky

These suspected drug dealers got high. Really high. 

But the marijuana they allegedly hoped to deliver won't be getting anyone high.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection found more than 260 pounds of marijuana bundled tightly together in San Diego last Monday, and arrested two men who allegedly showed up to claim the prize, NBC Bay Area reported.
Officials say an ultra-light aircraft coming from Mexico dropped the massive payload, which was tied to a large metal cage used to hold cargo, in a field near Brown Field Airport. The Office of Air and Marine tracked the plane as it crossed the border.
According to Raw Story, the plane crossed at 4:15 a.m. and dropped the ten heavy bundles before escaping back across the border.
Two suspects arrested at the drop zone were a 49-year-old, and a 32-year-old undocumented immigrant, according to CBS LA. The street value of the ganja was $157,000.

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